Kids who read 20 minutes daily outperform screen-obsessed peers in school and life

Nudge Reading helps kids trade screen time for reading time.

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How it works


Get the app for you & your child

Download the app onto your and your child's device. Parents have their own way to manage and see how their child's progress is going.


Parent sets reading times

Configure when your child should read and how long they should read


Child completes check-ins to unlock entertainment apps

Your child reads and checks in to unlock their favorite entertainment apps like YouTube or Roblox.

Features to make your child's reading habit stick


Either parents or kids can choose one or more books to read.  


Timer and screen time locks keeps kids engaged and on track to meet their reading commitments.   


We don't want kids to just go through the motions. Reflections prompt kids to reflect on their reading and demonstrate that they're processing what they're reading on a deeper level.  

Screen time Management

Nudge Reading allows parents to lock entertainment apps on a schedule to incentivize regular reading.